Incentives For The Use Of A Decision Support System

Aim of the measure was to optimize the water applied for irrigation, both to save water and to increase production.
Irrigation Community

Clear objective of an irrigation community is to facilitate access to water for farmers in a region or district.
Farming Insurance

The purpose of this insurance is to guarantee incomes when an adverse weather event reduces the yield of a farm.
Pascolone SRL Società Agricola

The incentives are linked to the use of an irrigation advisory service (Irrinet), together with other measures to improve agriculture sustainability. To get the incentive, the farmer needs to follow the indications of Irrinet. Based on a water balance model, Irrinet indicates to the farmer (through a mobile APP or website) the optimal timing and […]
Domingo Torres Pacheco

Organisation, constitution, construction, and start-up of an irrigation community that brings together more than 100 farms and almost 1,500 ha of olive groves. The infrastructures consist of three sections: catchment, reservoir, and distribution. The water is collected from the Guadalquivir River 7 km from the storage point, from where it is pumped to a reservoir […]

Agricultural insurance is a risk coverage resource available in the Spanish agricultural sector. The insurance has a public component, with Agroseguro being the managing institution at the national level. The insurance has several systems of coverage. The yield insurance we are analysing in this case seeks to guarantee up to 75 % of the historical […]